On any given day, something is being created in this house. Know I know I can make a big mess when I bake. It's the price I willingly pay. And, since I am the one who has to clean it up, I accept it. My kids can top my mess in mere minutes. By the end of the day, there are projects drying everywhere, paint dripping from paint brushes left on the table, crayons rolling all over the floor....I think you get where I am going with this. The good news is that there is always giggling to accompany the creating. The bad news is that bedtime always rears its beautiful head before the little crafty monsters have helped put everything away!

Welcome our art closet. It is one of my favorite areas of the house because it is the most organized. Shelves for projects waiting to be worked on, buckets for crayons, markers, coloring books, play dough, etc. and drawers for stickers, glue, beads, scissors and so on. I even labeled everything so that it would all be put back in the right spot and I didn't have to hear, "I didn't know where to put it" anymore (especially from my husband!). Sounds perfect right? Almost. Two out of the three kids can't read yet, and my daughter and husband temporarily forget during clean-up time. The babysitter - forget it! Needless to say, my perfect art closet became a perfect dump. That was, until this morning. Thanks to my hanging babysitter (aka the T.V.), I was able to return my art closet back to its former glory and restore my sanity!
Let the guilt-free crafting begin!!!