Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pop-Up Cards

I have long since thought that the art of the written word is being left by the wayside in favor of a quick email or text.  It's sad that my children will never truly understand the joy of getting a long awaited letter in the mail and the excitement of writing back.  I make it a point to handwrite their birthday party invitations and their thank you cards (which one day when they are big enough they will have to do all on their own).  If I am hosting a holiday, I like to try to send out invitations I create.  And I don't mean an evite!  There is just something special about getting something personalized in the mail.

I can't quite remember when I was first introduced to Robert Sabuda, but I do know it was by a librarian at one of the schools I worked at.  He makes the most amazing pop-up books for children.  On his website he most generously shares step-by-step instructions (with pictures!) on how to make all different types of cards.  Check him out at

So, in an effort to create something special that can be given to a friend or relative, my daughter and I took our first stab at making a pop-up birthday card.  There was definitely a little bit of a learning curve - don't use too much glue...try telling that to a 7 year old!  Hopefully, as we try to make more they will get half as good as Mr. Sabuda's!

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