Sunday, June 30, 2013


Ever since I saw this cake posted on the Better Home & Garden's website I have been searching for an excuse to make it.  Today seemed like the perfect day - a barbecue with friends.  We have been dodging bad weather all week and hoped for the same good fortune today.  The sun desperately tried to prevail, peaking through the clouds all morning.  But, atlas, the rain won and came streaming down right when it was time to eat!

Well, as the saying goes, "For every storm there is a rainbow."

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Is there anything better than waking up to freshly baked chocolate scones?

Just ask my daughter who had that very special surprise this morning.  I wanted to do something nice for her since she is a little under the weather and had to miss out on going to her first carnival last night and will probably have to miss going swimming today.  A lot of disappointment for a 7 year old.

I quickly searched on line (thank you again to all those wonderful chefs and bakers out there who share!) and found the perfect recipe.  Quick and easy and 20 minutes of baking later we had this:

Judging by her chocolate covered smile and her sneaking a second, I think she will bounce back just fine!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Mission Fudge.... Accomplished!

Last year, for the holidays, I made fudge for the wonderful teachers and staff at my daughter's school.  I guess I had never really had fudge before because I had no clue just how amazing awesome and yummy it is!  It didn't dawn on me to take a picture of it.  Partly because it wasn't a cake.  Partly because the leftovers did not last long in my house!

Well, I have been looking for a reason to eat, I mean make, more and found it this week.  Check out the fudge page for the pictures.

I hope they make your mouth water!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Welcome to my homemade blog.

It has become so important to me that my children learn to love and appreciate the art of homemade.  It seems that what was once beautifully homemade and found only at a local street fair or store, has become mass-produced and sold every where.  Ever since my kids were little (not that they are so big now), we have been making a mess in the kitchen.  Whether it be baking a cake or decorate cookies or making pizza from scratch or creating a mountain out of shaving cream, having muck slip through our fingers, or painting a masterpiece, our home has, and always will be, creating.

This blog is for me.  It is my chance to share with everyone what I do when I have the chance.

If you see something you like, please email me.  I love to share recipes, tips and secrets, or the how-to's of what I do!  Don't have time to do it yourself?  I can help you with that too!

Thanks for joining me on this adventure!  Come back and visit again soon!

- Julie -